Instructional Materials


According to the Instructional Materials Adoption regulation (43-70), the State Board of Education (SBE) has the responsibility and duty to adopt the instructional materials used for instruction in the public schools of South Carolina. The instructional materials are adopted and funded by subject area on a staggered six-year cycle. The SC Department of Education (SCDE) facilitates the review and adoption process using the guidelines and procedures outlined in the SBE Regulation 43-70.

Section 59-31-360 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, requires that instructional materials, adopted by the SBE for use in public schools, must be supplied to school children in grades K-12 of the state without charge. Each year, the Department of Education requests funds from the State Legislature to purchase newly-adopted materials by subject area and to maintain existing adoptions. Providing students with new instructional materials is dependent upon the level of funding allocated from the State Legislature each year. Materials chosen from the state list are provided to schools using state funds except for those materials adopted as supplemental. Materials adopted as supplemental include items that support an adopted program or are not adopted as a core program. Districts and schools must use local funds for the purchase of supplemental materials.


Textbook Manager allows you to:

  • Track textbooks so that your school knows their location, their status and condition, and the person(s) accountable for them.
  • Optimize use of existing textbooks through the transfer and inventory features.
  • Streamline searching for, reporting on, and conducting inventory of textbooks.

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