Contact Us

All phone calls and emails from parents, students, community members or any citizens will be recorded internally at the Institute and the outcome of the issue will be documented.



Office Address

1201 Main St, Suite 300

Columbia, SC 29201

Office Hours

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday





**For specific questions pertaining to a department, visit our team page for more information.**


New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day
National Memorial Day
Independence Day/Mr. V’s Birthday
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Eve 
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving 
Christmas Eve 
Christmas Day
Day after Christmas 

Days Observed

January 1
3rd Monday in January
3rd Monday in February 
Last Monday in May
Observed June 19
July 4
1st Monday in September
November 11
Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving 
4th Thursday in November
Friday after 4th Thursday in November
December 24
December 25
December 26